Mar 31, 2009

I can see the hill, I refuse however to pass over it!

When did birthday's stop being FUN?!
I miss when it mattered.
Now it's just another day, another year.
I miss the days when you could escape reality and celebrate.
Now my birthday is no different than any other day of the year.
Cleaning. Laundry. Diapers. Discipline. You get the drift.
Not to mention that i'm 2 years closer to 30. No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you, i said the big 3-0! Oy!
But I guess enough of my whining because you don't want to hear that, or do you??

My husband rocks, so it's not all complaints.
Saturday he bought me a one hour massage and OMG it was great!
All weekend he did most of the work with the girls and he cleaned without me asking! (gasps) Miracles DO happen! I kid, i kid. He's awesome and he always helps. He even cooked. Then this morning after i went out for my walk he cooked me breakfast and Rebekah made me a birthday card. And he's cooking me dinner tonight. So it aint all bad, I am actually pretty darn lucky!

Now totally off subject, but when i went out for my walk today I saw this tree in my neighbors yard and I had to get out and take some pictures of the pretty blooms. Such pretty pink flowers. B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!

Not a bad way to start a birthday!
Thank you God for blessing me with 28 happy years!!
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
(I'm still sad that I'm almost 30 however)

Mar 29, 2009

Is that a zebra in Oregon?

I'm trying to make sure I update with pictures on a more steady basis. I know that's all you really check this thing for anyways, right? We went to church this morning so for once we were all "prettied" up instead of lounging in our pj's, ANDDDD it wasn't raining (can i get an AMEN!) soooo I got Rebekah in the backyard for a few photos since it was her turn. Yes, I have to do it in turns. I'm not skilled enough to take both my kids pics at the same time, let alone on the same day! I'm workin on it, give me a break! But here she is as beautiful as can be and rockin' the zebra print. At least one of us is in style ((sighs)) One day folks, one day...

Anyways, here she is strikin a pose for ya! Enjoy :D

and with her Daddy...awwww. I just LOVE them. Can you get over how big she's getting??? :(

Mar 24, 2009

Rebekah, Rebekah...

Today Rebekah was sitting at the table coloring a picture. All of a sudden I heard her sweet little voice and I turn around and she's pretending to be writing notes. Boy I wish I had a camera to capture these things. I did, however, open up a notebook window and type out what she was saying so I could remember.

"dear nana, please.
i love you soooo much
i hope you love me soo much too!"

"dear mommy and daddy, please.
i love you sooo much!"

"dear daddy,
i hope you love my shiney teeth
they are for you to look at"

LMAO! That child CRACKS me up! I don't know what's with the "please" or the need to tell her daddy about her shiny teeth, but i love it! I wish I could bottle up her innocence and sweet baby voice to hold onto forever.
How I love that little girl!!!

Mar 16, 2009

simply beautiful

This is one of my new favorite pictures of Madelyn. I got her to sit still a couple weeks ago (not an easy task) and shot away! I'm entering the photo in I heart faces photo blog contest again. Just because. This week's theme is "green" for St Patty's day, and if you look real closely you can see an ITTY bit of green out the window from the grass :D

Check out their website for tons of other great photos from soo many talented photographers! It's a fun site!

Mar 14, 2009

April showers bring May flowers...

Or in Oregon's case, October-February showers bring March flowers, then it continues to rain until May or June. That's why I was so thrilled to see these! I snapped this picture in our front yard yesterday, those little buggers came out of nowhere, but I sure am happy to see them!

Spring time here we come!!!! : )

If i haven't already told you (i.e complained enough), it's been raining in Oregon for MONTHS now. I do not exaggerate folks. We have seen so much rain I'm literally starting to believe that sunshine doesn't exist! Just this month alone we've seen 3 measley days of sunshine, and the forecast doesn't call for another single day of it this month! (Check if you don't believe me) Grateful as I am for those 3 days though, seriously...3 days!??! Ugggh. So if I seem negative and humdrum it's because I AM. I'm trying really hard to not let it affect me, but unfortunately it has.

It's hard to feel upbeat and inspired in circumstances such as these. Honestly I find it hard to get out of bed at times. The girls are also starting to feel the effects of being trapped indoors. In short, the Beaty women are CRABBY and CRANKY! There's only so much you can do to occupy a child indoors on a day to day basis as it is. And unfortunately my mood isn't the perfect breeding ground for my imagination. It's also starting to get difficult to occupy Mommy, even though my house could use it badly, you can only do so much cleaning.

I hope to be out of my funk soon. I am ready to pick up my camera and start shooting again. I miss it. Until then I will live vicariously through other photographers blogs and hope that lifts my spirits some. Until then I'll leave you with a few pictures of the girls this past week on one of the sunny (freezing) days!

The light was wierd in this one so their faces are kinda shadowy, but there's my bebe's, and of course rockin their all time favorite froggy boots!

This picture makes me laugh so hard! This is what Maddie thinks about winter time :)
(of course she didn't do that on purpose, what kind of mother do you think i am!?)

We even made it to the park one day. What might have been the shortest park visit ever, 7 minutes tops. So we hurried over to the carousel for a couple rides, thank God they have that as back up! We enjoyed Nana's visit, sorry it wasn't better weather though. We know she'll be back soon anyways!

Mar 6, 2009

Hi everyone, it's me, Slacker..

Another month (practically) has passed me by without a post. I promise nothing exciting or life altering has been happening, which is why I don't really post that often. And I've been slacking something HORRIBLE in the picture department, which shames me, and I know you want to see pictures. I'm working on it. I'm slowly coming out of my hibernation and hope to be back to normal very soon! Be patient with me please.

Mommy got a bit of a vacation at the end of February. Me and a couple close friends went to meet up with a mutual friend in Wichita, Kansas. I spent the weekend there, then since I had to fly through Denver, I stopped to visit my best friend Scarlett for a few days there. It was a relaxing week, but I missed my babies something serious. I've never been away from them for that long. But they were home having MUCH needed daddy time, which they loved and he loved even more! He's such a great hubby for letting me get away. I needed it!! He rocks, I love him and..i think i'll keep him for a bit longer. :)

My mom is coming to visit this weekend-YAY! I'm excited about that.

And Russel is going on yet another training adventure, back to the ATL this time. And for TWO WEEKS! ((pulls hair)) I aint gonna lie, it stinks!! Lots of exclamation!!!!!

We went to the coast this past weekend, my friend Scarlett and her hubster flew home with me to spend the weekend. Their first time visiting the coast. It was fun, actually not too freezing, but still jacket material. pretty tho! Here are some updated pics. Enjoy! And i'll post again soon. heehee. Maybe...

Lochness monster??

My little cheeseball posing on some HUGE driftwood

Don't you just LOVE their getups?? haha and Maddie's face, lordie

Daddy and his mini me, haha

And of course I didn't make it into any of the pictures, don't read this blog to see me, now do you?? Maybe next time.