Mar 24, 2009

Rebekah, Rebekah...

Today Rebekah was sitting at the table coloring a picture. All of a sudden I heard her sweet little voice and I turn around and she's pretending to be writing notes. Boy I wish I had a camera to capture these things. I did, however, open up a notebook window and type out what she was saying so I could remember.

"dear nana, please.
i love you soooo much
i hope you love me soo much too!"

"dear mommy and daddy, please.
i love you sooo much!"

"dear daddy,
i hope you love my shiney teeth
they are for you to look at"

LMAO! That child CRACKS me up! I don't know what's with the "please" or the need to tell her daddy about her shiny teeth, but i love it! I wish I could bottle up her innocence and sweet baby voice to hold onto forever.
How I love that little girl!!!