Jun 29, 2008

Welcome to the MESS!

Here's some pictures of our new house. Ignore the mess and the fact that nothing is organized, decorated or set up like it should be. It's a work in progress. I'll post pictures of it all put together whenever that time comes. This, however, should suffice for now.

Entry way from the front door, entry from the garage is the door to the right, coat closet door holds my purse

Living room,(and our new furniture and tv purchase) blue fireplace, sliding door to back yard and..Madelyn having her bottle

Kitchen (entering from the hall)

Dining room

Laundry room (der!) in the hallway going towards the bedrooms

Hall bathroom

Bekah says "WELCOME TO MY MESSY ROOM!" She's already made her mark, as you can tell, lol

Poor Madelyn's empty and boring room

and...our room is entirely too messy to post a picture of right now! but it's next door to Madelyn's room.

Like i said, we still have a lot to do to get everything in order. And i have to get paint on these walls before i go crazzzzy! But that's where we live, and this will be my last post for the day-i promise!

So much for sight seeing

Ok, so we attempted to go out and do a little sight seeing yesterday, which proved to be not so great of an idea. Problem #1, it just so happened to be one of the hottest days of the year yet for Oregon at 100 degrees, and Russel's hooptie does not have AC. Problem #2, the car overheated!! lol. I managed to click a few pictures as we were driving down the interstate, nothing exciting, but here's a few pictures so you can get an idea. They were taken through car windows so they are a little dark.

This is driving down one of the main streets off of our little street, lots of trees!

This is a view of Mt. Hood in the distance

And this is driving down the interstate close to Portland, i just thought it was pretty with all the boats and bridges, ha.

I promise I will take more pictures. We might attempt to take Rebekah to the park and maybe I can get some better "scenery" shots. Just keep checking back!

Jun 24, 2008

What do I think about Oregon, you ask?

So far I haven't seen much other than a few of the necessities (i.e. Target, Walmart, Starbucks and the corner gas station) but it's really pretty here. Very green and lush, lots of grass, trees and flowers. You can see the mountains in the distance when you drive. Lots of rolling hills. God does beautiful work! The weather has been wonderful, it hasn't rained yet, but i hear it's not rainy season until about November. We'll see about that. I hate the rain....But i guess i'll learn to adjust. I promise I will take pictures soon, we should get out this weekend and then watch..you won't be able to shut me up I'll take so many pictures. Just wanted to update. Until next time...

Jun 22, 2008

We're here!!!

Ok. My first "official" blog. I don't count the first one I did because I wrote it and then never sent anyone the link to the blog.

I just wanted to let everyone know that we made it safe and sound and with all of our hair, haha. It's been a stressful experience, once which isn't going to be quite over till our belongings arrive (which should be tomorrow they say) and everything is unpacked and we are settled in. Only then will i truly be able to relax and enjoy this new experience. I am excited for the road ahead for our family. It's scary being in a new place, but I know this is the plan God had for us and we intend to enjoy every minute of it. So don't worry about us, we will be ok. And we are just a phone call or email away! I will post pictures as soon as I take some (i know, shocker, right? but i've been slacking) and we get out sight seeing and such.

For now I must go because Madelyn isn't satisfied until she gets into something she's not supposed to be getting into. It begins...But We love you and miss you all! And i will blog again soon.