Dec 3, 2008

Breaking out of my shell

Ok. I am a closet photographer. There, I said it. Phew.
I have a secret love for photography. Well its not so secret to the ones that know me the best. But i've been "dabling" in it for the past few years, ever since Rebekah was about a year old, and I've decided to try and do something about it. Well actually, that's not true either. I was very content hiding in my shell for all of eternity, forever only taking pictures of my children and begging my friends to let me take pictures of them and theirs! haha. But Russel made me do something about it. Gotta love him for believing in me.

So, there it is...i'm putting myself out there. Which is a really hard thing for me to do. I guess i'm afraid of rejection, or criticism, I don't know. But hey, you only live once right. So here it is. What I have so far of my blog. I don't have much of a portfolio, since I've only ever really photographed a few people and my girlies. Check it out!

I actually posted a few ads online promoting my business and I got quite a few interests and have already booked 2 appointments! EEEK! So if you want to keep tabs on how it's going (or if it's going-ha) save the link to blog and check back in! I'll be working on a webpage too.

= )

I will update with pics of the girls soon. LOVE!