May 18, 2009

8 years and counting!

Yea, that's my husband and he's pretty much...A-W-E-S-O-M-E! He may not be "prince charming" but he's my prince charming. I don't deserve him, I really don't. But he obviously sees something I don't see and God love him for it. EIGHT years, count em 8! That's how long we've been at this marriage thing. And they weren't lying when they said it would be hard. I feel so accomplished even though I know that we haven't even come halfway. But we have come a long way and I'm happy, amazed, and shocked at times but oh-so-proud of us. We don't have a perfect marriage, by any means, but we have a perfect God and it's because of Him that we've made it this far. I'll save you the boredom of listening to my tales of woe and all the hard times we've been through as a couple (most of you know it all anyways) and just get to the point. This post is dedicated to my husband, the love of my life and the person with whom I hope God blesses me enough to walk hand in hand with for the rest of my time on this earth.

I love you Russel and I'm thankful that 9 1/2 years ago God put you in my life. Little did I know that a year and a half later you would be standing at the alter accepting me into your world forever and giving me the BEST 8 years of my life. I couldn't have done it without you. I love you more than words can express.

Happy Anniversary to my love and my best friend!!
From then:

To now:

And to another 50 years!!
I ♥ You!!!!


Shyfroggy said...

Wow...8 years - that is awesome! Congrats!

Stephanie said...

AWWWW all sound like my husband and myself...we've been together for seven years and are still amazing best friends...congrats again!