Sep 2, 2008

Oregon State Fair

The Fair. One of America's favorite past times. We didn't go to the fair ever (that I recall) growing up, and I think i might have figured out why. IT'S EXPENSIVE! Just downright ridiculous. Thank God the girls got in free, but it was $20 for admission alone. Russel was supposed to get in for free, some military appreciation thing, but that was only on Friday and Saturday and when did we go? Sunday! But that's besides the point. I am also thankful that our girls are still little and we didn't have to shell out $40 just for tickets for all those rides!!! I know our time is coming though....we better start saving up now!

We had a good time! Spent a couple of hours just walking around looking at all the booths, arts and crafts, petting zoo and...eating fattening fair food. I wanted a corn dog, but i didn't get a corn dog. You get there and you're overwhelmed by all these food choices and all of a sudden I forgot I wanted that, ended up with a burger instead. It was good though. Very greasy. Again, i digress.

Here are a few pics from our day. And until next blog...

The Beaver. Oregon State mascot? I don't know. Either way, the girls were not too fond. Check out their faces!! lol

Big turtles, the only amphibian she would touch. She would not go near the lizards and snakes!

The deer in the petting zoo tried to eat her shirt, so we were done with that all too quickly

Poor never stood a chance! (it is still kicking around, just deflated)