Sep 15, 2008

nothing to blog about

Life at the Beaty residence is pretty quiet, as usual. I guess that's a good thing though. Russel got called out last minute for some job training so he left this morning to go to California for the week. He will be there till Saturday, some work training near LA. Poor baby! : ( So I figured I'd write and let everyone know what's been going on. Which of course is, you guessed it, absolutely....NOTHING! just a lot of hanging out at home for me and the girls and a new found love of the local library. I'm getting back in touch with my inner nerd, and I've already read 3 books this week alone! Bekah loves it too, she has so much fun there. She loves to read, just like me. But aside from that nothing else is happening in Oregon. The weather was cooling off for a bit, but it's gotten warm again. Leaves are starting to change their colors, so that should be really pretty. I'm excited for next month. We are having family pictures taken and my mom is coming to visit the last week of the month. And of course Halloween. That's always fun. As for recent updates on the girls: Maddie is cutting a molar-FUN! and she's learned how to wave and is practicing her walking skills. I'm sure she'll be walking on her own before she turns 1! Rebekah is still just a normal 3 year old, getting smarter by the day. She's been speaking a lot of spanish, thanks to Dora. She says "gracias" and she can almost count all the way to 10! See, who says t.v. is all bad? lol.

I took these really cute videos of the girls I thought i'd share with you all. Enjoy and until next time!

Jesus Loves Me! by Rebekah
(please excuse our messy garage, we've been cleaning, and the fact that my child is in her panties. but this video was too cute not to share)

Maddie learned something new: