Jul 16, 2010

A visit with Nana:

I got behind again--SORRY!
This is my attempt to play catch up.
Like a month's worth of catch up, so I'm pretty sure i'll forget something.
And i'm pretty sure my mother will let me know. She's the blog police. :D

Here we go. Entry #1.

June 5-12, Nana visits!
The girls had a blast, as usual. We played, we ate, we walked the lake, we napped, we colored, we shopped, we went to the zoo, the park, the fair, we blew bubbles, we took pictures and we had a ton of fun.

Doesn't this pizza look GOOOOD!? ::drools::

Look! It's me!! I like to make an occasional appearance :)

We love it when Nana visits and can't wait for her to come back!!!
Love you Nana! ♥