We woke up this morning to SNOW on the ground!!! We were so excited. As soon as the sun came up we headed outside to play in it. I'm sure, to most people, this is not much snow at all. But to us southerner's it's good enough!! haha. Bekah could've stayed outside all day long if we let her. And we didn't get to build a snow man this time ::pouts::, but it's supposed to snow tomorrow too, so there's still hope!
Russel plowed me in the head with a snowball... jerk. ::cough cough:: Then Bekah and Daddy had a fun snowball fight. Maddie even got plowed, she didn't even know what hit her! We had so much fun, YAY FOR SNOW!!!! Merry almost Christmas everyone!
Dec 13, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Posted by My name is Kristen! at 2:23 PM