Russel took the entire week off this past week, so we've been enjoying some Daddy time. It's been really nice having him around, I even got to sleep in some (him too, don't worry i wasn't greedy so we alternated days) which is a RARE occurrence in our household. My body wasn't quite sure what the heck was going on with all the rest. Lol. But all in all, it's been a really good week and I'm kinda sad that everything will go back to normal after tomorrow. ::sniffles:: Although my mom does come in on Thursday so I am excited for that and I know we will have fun when she visits.
Today we took the girls up to the coast, to the Aquarium. We were actually a bit disappointed with our "adventure" after the really long ride and almost $40 we shelled out for it, but Rebekah had fun and I guess in the long run that's all that really matters, right? And the trip to the coast was GORGEOUS, all the colorful leaves (which we didn't stop to take ANY pictures of Russel...) i'm just sayin'...
Here are a few pictures of our week and until next post!!
Maddie in the yard

Bekah wanted to pose with our new "scarecobe", lol.

She was saying "OH MY GOSH it's so beautiful!"

pretty girl posing for a picture

They both loved the fishies, Maddie kept trying to catch them

Maddie didn't have much of an opinion of anything else after that...

And Bekah with Daddy in the sharks mouth