Aug 14, 2008

Hiking and WARRFALLS!!

Ok. So i've been slacking, I admit it. It's been almost a month since I last posted. So sorry for all of you trying to check in on us! I'll try to get better at it, okay? But honestly, nothing much has really happened, just your normal everyday [boring at times] life. We've been trying to get out and about more on the weekends, see all of what Oregon has to offer. We heard of a state park not but 30 minutes from us called Silver Falls where they have hiking trails and waterfalls so we decided to give it a whirl. It was absolutely gorgeous, the weather was wonderful and we had a great time spending the day outside as a family. And to make a long story short Russel had the brilliant idea to hike 5.3 miles through woods, hills and terrain in search of said waterfalls...but 5 hours, 2 kids, 2 strollers and NO NAPS later..I SURVIVED to write this blog!!! Here are a few pictures from our adventure, enjoy!

Beautiful waterfall at the South Falls

are we lost?

She thought it was a rollercoaster, haha.